Harnessing the power of longitudinal medical imaging for eye disease prognosis using Transformer-based sequence modeling

npj Digital Medicine Automated eye disease prognosis by survival analysis from longitudinal medical imaging.

Efficient deep learning-based automated diagnosis from echocardiography with contrastive self-supervised learning

Communications Medicine EchoCLR, a label-efficient self-supervised learning method for echocardiography.

Towards long-tailed, multi-label disease classification from chest X-ray: Overview of the CXR-LT challenge

Medical Image Analysis Overview of the CXR-LT challenge on long-tailed, multi-label disease classification from chest X-ray.

High sensitivity methods for automated rib fracture detection in pediatric radiographs

Scientific Reports Ensemble methods for automated pediatric rib fracture detection on chest X-ray.

A Multimodal Video-Based AI Biomarker for Aortic Stenosis Development and Progression

JAMA Cardiology An AI biomarker for aortic stenosis (AS) progression based on echocardiography.

Biometric contrastive learning for data-efficient deep learning from electrocardiographic images

Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Label-efficient electrocardiogram (ECG) image classification with contrastive learning.

Improving model fairness in image-based computer-aided diagnosis

Nature Communications A novel loss function for improved group fairness in chest X-ray classification.

Severe aortic stenosis detection by deep learning applied to echocardiography

European Heart Journal Accurate and generalizable detection of severe aortic stenosis based on single-view echocardiography.

Radiomics-Guided Global-Local Transformer for Weakly Supervised Pathology Localization in Chest X-Rays

IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging A Transformer for weakly supervised disease localization that uses a novel feedback loop between (local) radiomics features and (global) chest X-ray features.